Events & Webinars

Recovering Attorneys’ Fees from Unit Owners

When a unit owner becomes delinquent or violates the association’s declaration of covenants and restrictions, who is responsible for paying the attorneys’ fees and other costs associated with recovering the delinquent assessments or remedying the violation?  Generally, the “American rule” of law is that each party is responsible for paying its own attorneys’ fees.  InRead More

Condominium and HOA Records Inspection Requirements

If you are a member of your association’s board of directors and one of your association’s members asks you to see the minutes from the most recent board meeting, do you need to provide those minutes to him?  Does your answer change if the topic of the most recent board meeting was whether or notRead More

Ohio’s Planned Community Law Goes into Effect September 10, 2010

Ohio’s new homeowners association act, known as the Planned Community Law (pdf), will go into effect on September 10, 2010.  The Planned Community Law provides homeowners associations with new tools to enforce rules and restrictions, collect assessments, and amend their governing documents.  Additionally, the Planned Community Law sets out new obligations for associations to comply with. Read More